The modern Pingdom alternative for developers

Checkly is built for developers and DevOps teams using a modern tool stack.

new BrowserCheck('homepage-browser-check-1', {
  name: 'Browser Check #1',
  frequency: 10,
  regions: ['us-east-1', 'eu-west-1'],
  code: {
    entrypoint: './home.spec.js'

new ApiCheck('product-api-check-1', {
  name: 'Product API - fetch products',
  degradedResponseTime: 10000,
  maxResponseTime: 20000,
  requests: {
    url: "",
    method: "GET",
    assertions: [AssertionBuilder.statusCode().equals(200)]

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Deeper Insights

Pingdom is great when you want to know if your websites are up. But it doesn’t show you whether your web app and endpoints are working correctly and performing well.

Flexible HTTP Checks

Checkly provides powerful insights and tools to customize your checks. Instead of a simple ping, you can create fully fledged configurable HTTP checks to monitor APIs.

Powerful E2E Checks

Monitor your vital click flows in a real Chrome browser. With Checkly you can use Javascript to code your checks, instead of using a restrictive scripting editor.

Code-first workflow

Code your monitoring on your local machine, test your preview deployments in CI, and monitor in production.

Typescript First

Code, compose, and structure your resources using TypeScript. No YAML-engineering needed.

Code and Collaborate

Use any CI platform to collaborate with your team to code, test, and deploy E2E browser and API checks.

Start monitoring your API endpoints and your vital site transactions.

Get started

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