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Changelog: Puppeteer & Chromium update

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Changelog: Puppeteer & Chromium update

We’ve just upgraded the Puppeteer library for our browser checks from v1.19 to v2.0.0.

This release of Puppeteer is stable and includes 73 commits of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. Here are some notable changes from the Puppeteer release notes:

Notable changes

An updated Chromium

Chromium version is upgraded to 79.0.3942.0 (r706915) from 77.0.3844.0 (r674921).

NodeJS v10

Browser checks now use NodeJS version 10 instead of version 8. With this upgrade, your startup/teardown scripts and browser scripts now all run on the same version.

New API's

Along with general improvements, this Puppeteer upgrade brings these new API's you can use in your browser checks:

Other changes

  • page.screenshot now clips elements to the viewport (#5080)
  • Breaking change: page.emulateMedia(type) was deprecated and removed. You can use page.emulateMediaType(type) instead. Unless you are using this API in your browser scripts, your existing checks will work without any problem.  If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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