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Fire up new Browser checks with our new templates

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Checkly UI showing a new Browser Check template.

Let’s admit it: end-to-end testing is a technical challenge. How do you make features testable? What testing framework should you use? When should you run your test suite? There are so many things to learn and consider.

At Checkly, we want to ease end-to-end monitoring so that you can focus on shipping excellent software instead of figuring out how you monitor and test it.

But before getting into our latest feature addition, let me answer the above questions.

To make your products testable, we recommend a set of best practices. Avoid hard waits, keep tests short, and use unique and scalable selectors. Your test codes’ quality will influence your test suite like nothing else.

And as for the technology choice, we recommend the Playwright testing framework. It’s less flaky, shines with a delightful developer experience, and tries everything to avoid manual waiting steps. We’re such big fans that we even share weekly Playwright tips on YouTube if you want to learn more about it!

And lastly, when should you run your checks? Checkly enables you to run your end-to-end tests on deployment but to be sure to know about issues before your users tell you, you should bet on constant monitoring matching your product’s SLAs.

To make your end-to-end monitoring setup even more straightforward, today we want to give you a hand to get off the ground in seconds!

Say Hello to Browser check templates

We talked to many of our customers to find out how they monitor their products. Unsurprisingly, most test suites included element visibility checks, filled out forms, navigated from A to B, or manipulated and set session cookies.

These similarities sparked an idea: should we offer templates for you to build on? Yes, we should! And I’m happy to tell you that you can now choose from a set of Browser check templates to start monitoring your sites immediately.

We adjusted the Browser check creation flow to show you different ways to create a new Browser check. Start from scratch, sync your existing code base from GitHub or choose one of our new Browser check templates.

The templates include common Browser check scenarios. Do you want to fill out a form? We got you! Do you look for ways to close modals? You bet! Do you want to emulate an iPhone? No problem!

Preview a template and apply it to your new browser check. All templates include comments and resources so that you can adjust quickly and follow best practices.

What else do you need?

And while we're super excited about this new feature, we know there are more to build. That's why we want to give you a way to contribute templates with the power of open source in the future.

Are the existing templates not covering your use case? For now, head to our public roadmap, give us feedback, and let us know about your template ideas!

And with this, happy end-to-end testing!

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